Three Non-Exercise Ways to Move

We all know that exercise is important to our health and that ‘sitting kills’.  But what if our schedule is packed and we are just not motivated to go to the gym for an hour?  It takes time to drive there, change into workout clothes, do the workout, then shower, or drive home and shower.  That can be a lot of time.  But you’re also not motivated to do a workout video at home or go for a jog.  So you just give up and figure that exercise just isn’t going to happen in your life.

Well, I have good news for you!  There is more to keeping our bodies healthy than just exercise!  (Yes, what you eat too, but that’s not what we’re talking about today).  I mean everyday movements that you can incorporate into your already busy life that will improve your physical health.  You’ve probably already heard that you can ride your bike to work, or park farther from work and take the stairs instead of the elevator.  These are very good ideas to implement.  But there is also movement called NEAT that can be helpful. NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.

Joan Vernikos, former Director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division, is the author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, based on her research on Gravity Deprivation Syndrome that astronauts experienced.   That means she researched what lack of gravity in space did to the astronauts, and how to help them.  Without gravity, astronaut’s muscles and bones would atrophy.  Well, guess what…that is what happens to us if we stay in one position all day! 

Vernikos says, “Don’t believe that because you exercised for 30 minutes or an hour three or five days a week you have fulfilled your daily gravity requirement.  If you are watching TV, make a point of doing something during commercial breaks.  Do a couple of controlled stand-ups or touch your toes---your brain will thank you---and be sure to sit down slowly to make your leg muscles and bones stronger.”

“I’m talking about a different kind of exertion.  I am referring to the multitude of small, low-intensity movements we make throughout the day as we go about the business of living---movements that are related to using gravity.  These are movements that occur naturally throughout the day when you’re doing activities other than sitting.  And yet, these simple movements---these G-habits---are the key to health!”

Incorporating constant, natural movement in to your day will help you avoid muscles and bones atrophying.  Here are some ways:

1)    Stand up and sit down 16 times per day!
2)    Twist and reach high or low for dishes, clothing, etc. or just to stretch if you’ve been in one position a long time.
3)    Squat to put on your shoes or pull weeds for five minutes when you come home. 
A woman bending, twisting, and carrying a load!
I need to take more pictures, because it was hard to find some that worked!

These are three simple suggestions.  As you look at your life, consider what changes in posture you are doing throughout your day, and choose one way to add more!

Have a great day!

