Do You Get Enough Rest?

So much hype is on exercise and how much we’re getting. But the reality is, as we age, (especially after menopause for women) our bodies take a longer time to recuperate.  So we need to be careful to get enough rest between more difficult bouts of exercise!  My husband and I have become very aware of this in the last few years.  We like to hike.  He used to be able to climb mountains at a fast clip and sleep well that night and be fresh as a daisy in the morning!  I used to be able to go on a more difficult hike and be good to go the next day after a good rest.  No more.  If we do a more difficult hike, we need at least a couple of days to truly recuperate!
Woman, Asleep, Girl, Sleep, Dreams, Face

Of course, this applies to other types of workouts/exercise/movement that are strenuous also.  I have been doing body weight strength workouts this year, twice a week.  But sometimes I’ve had to do just one per week because I can tell my body is still not recuperated!  It feels sore and tired!  My sister (who is five years younger than me) said she notices it when she pulls weeds or trims bushes in her yard.  She plays tennis three times per week, and she realized she had to plan her yard work carefully, so that she didn’t do it the day before tennis or she would be too sore to play! 

The other part of this equation (recuperation time) is good sleep.  Quality sleep can be hit and miss as you get older, and if you’re not getting good sleep, it affects your body’s ability to re-charge and recuperate.  Don’t be afraid to change your movement plans for the day if you did not get a good sleep the night before!  For instance, in 2013 our family hiked in to Havasupai (in the Grand Canyon).  This is a long hike down in to the Grand Canyon, in an area owned by the Havasupai Indian Tribe.  The night before hiking we slept in our car at the hilltop parking lot, so we could get up at 4:30 am., start hiking and avoid the heat of the day. Well, I did not sleep well.  People hiked out of the canyon in the middle of the night and were not quiet!  It was hot.  The car seat was not very comfortable.  The hike in starts with a two mile zig zag down a fairly steep trail.  Then it levels out for another 8 miles to the small village, and another 2 miles to the campground! Telling you all about that awesome trip is a post for another day.  For today’s purposes I’ll just say it was not a difficult hike, just long, and when we arrived, I had to take a good long nap! 

Nature, Waterfall, Outdoor, Scenic

So are you having sleep difficulties?  Melatonin is a ‘natural’ sleep aid that is worth trying.  Costco also has a Kirkland brand sleep aid that is considered less addictive than some prescription sleep aids.  Sometimes I’ll take just ½ or 1/3 of one!  I rarely need to take a full pill.  Or you may need to schedule an appointment with your doctor to make sure you don’t have sleep apnea.  A couple of years ago my husband was sure I had sleep apnea, so I went to the doctor and had a test done.  I do not have it thank goodness!  But I have had to figure out strategies to help me get good quality sleep.

I have noticed I am a light sleeper as I’m older. Maybe it’s my Mom instinct.  But every noise seems to waken me!  So if we have company staying in our home or anything I’m worried might awaken me, I’ll wear ear plugs to bed.  I also make sure my room is on the cool side, but my feet are warm!  I avoid food late at night and try to have a bedtime routine, such as: get ready for bed about the same time every night, get in bed, talk with my husband, read something calming or inspirational for just five minutes, then lights out!

Here are 6 steps to better sleep from the Mayo Clinic:
1)    Stick to a sleep schedule
2)    Pay attention to what you eat and drink a couple of hours before bed
3)    Create a restful environment
4)    Limit daytime naps
5)    Include physical activity in your daily routine
6)    Manage worries

If I wake up in the night and can’t go back to sleep, I will get up and write in my journal or write down what is on my mind.  Doing this usually helps my brain to relax and I can go back to sleep!  My 28 year old son found he sleeps much better now that he has a job that requires more physical movement.
 Writing, Write, Person, Paperwork, Paper, Notebook

This is a lot of info to say, be sure to get adequate rest!  I like to compare resting our body and mind to the empty space between objects in a painting, or the pauses in music or a dance.  The empty space and pauses are an important part of the whole.  Just as savasana at the end of a yoga class is an important part of the class.  We need rest!  It is a PART of our daily movement!
Art Materials, Blur, Equipment, Oil Paint

Have a great day!



  1. I am definitely finding that the older I get, the more strict I have to be about keeping a consistent sleep schedule and a conducive sleep environment! I also like warm feet but a cool-ish room (bonus points for a breeze of fresh air!). I can definitely relate to becoming a lighter sleeper with age, too. Funny that your sister plans her yard work around her tennis schedule these days! Hard for me to imagine her slowing down for anything. ;)

  2. I listened to Dr Peter Attia podcast episode about sleep a few months ago and I've been extra aware of how much rest I get. I didn't realized how crucial that was.


  3. Yes Rachelle! Sleep is more important than we realize! And that becomes more apparent as we get older!


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